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The prophetic vision of the Great Tribulation of the end times announces a series of highly significant events that unfold when Christ ceases his ministry as the High Priest of believers to assume the royal mantle and bring salvation to the suffering people who await him. It is a situation of great interest for anyone who wants to prepare to meet the Savior.

Is there a relationship between the Coronavirus and the prophetic vision of the end times? When Jesus returns, where do the survivors go? And what happens to those who died at the sight of the returning God? What happens to Satan?

Gesù, where are you? We know you are in heaven, we know you are with God, we know you love us... but what are you doing for us today? We are amidst disasters... You promised to return, but in the meantime, what are you doing for us? The tearing of the sanctuary veil signifies a significant prophetic event that was fulfilled when Christ died on the cross, and one that the church has failed to fully understand its significance. In fact, the death of Christ marked a much broader event than is commonly understood. The study of this prophetic event reveals a scenario that goes beyond the ordinary and enables us to understand what extraordinary things Christ is doing for us today.

What can be derived is that the Bible has preserved its content intact through the centuries, and it is demonstrated with indisputable facts and evidence that the text currently in use accurately corresponds to the sacred and closed Hebrew canon defined around the 1st century BCE. Historical testimony, evidence provided by biblical archaeology, and the research of informed scholars and biblical scholars make it clear that the Old Testament affirms facts, names, and places that find confirmation in the history of other nations. It provides undeniable historical evidence as a whole and is considered a sacred book for many other reasons.

What can be derived is that the Bible has preserved its content intact through the centuries, and it is demonstrated with indisputable facts and evidence that the text currently in use accurately corresponds to the sacred and closed Hebrew canon defined around the 1st century BCE. Historical testimony, evidence provided by biblical archaeology, and the research of informed scholars and biblical scholars make it clear that the Old Testament affirms facts, names, and places that find confirmation in the history of other nations. It provides undeniable historical evidence as a whole and is considered a sacred book for many other reasons.

An intense concentration of senses around an idolatrous culture that exalts demons, antichrists, and spiritism is a sign of an ongoing cosmic conflict that distinguishes humanity into two final factions: with God or against God. The prophetic vision of the Bible foresees a time in which the three plagues of humanity, atheism, idolatry, and cynicism, will merge, giving strength to an antagonistic movement of thought that seeks to globally revive the denial of God's authority.

The end times are a sensitive topic in the Word of God, and the book of Revelation was written to sjhed light on the events that would threaten God's people throughout history and the protections put in place to counter them. This book reveals the hidden plots enacted by the forces of evil to divert the mind from the Word of God and the final deceptions that would arise to hinder the salvation of mankind.

The Tree of Life has sown different aspirations in philosophical thought, including the belief in the eternal existence, such as the belief in the afterlife of the soul. Regarding this supposed existence of the soul, several questions arise, starting with whether the soul truly exists. And is death truly a transition to a higher form of life? Furthermore, what evidence do we have to believe that the temptation of Adam and Eve is a true story? What hidden strategy and objective did Satan actually achieve with the downfall of our ancestors?

Creation and adoration are intimately linked in the second commandment which prohibits the use of images and sculptures, having suppressed it has been canceled from the Law of the Ten Commandments, the reason, the irrefutable reason why only God deserves to receive our adoration by right of creation and redemption. For these valid reasons, in the last book of the Bible, the Apocalypse of John, we find the impressive vision of three angels, who in the crucial phase of the end times, announce a work of judgment on Christianity guilty of false worship, idolatry and of perversion of the true faith. What consequences this judgment entails on those who reject these appeals is the topic we are dealing with today.

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